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Liz Hudson
May 1, 20236 min read
A Confession: Returning to a half-finished manuscript is tough
How do you get back into a partially finished manuscript after a prolonged break? Picking up those loose threads requires a bit of strategy.

Nic Benson
May 12, 20222 min read
A matter of course
Thinking about taking some sort of creative writing class and worried about other people's opinions? Here's a brief pep talk...

Harrison Casswell
Apr 29, 20223 min read
Is writing poetry good for you?
Absolutely. Yes. I don’t think there’s any doubt about this. At least, there isn’t in my mind. Whenever somebody tells me: “Hey, I want...

Harrison Casswell
Mar 13, 20225 min read
Spoken Poetry: Finding your voice
When I first started writing poetry, I had no idea what I was doing (I still don’t, but don’t tell the editors that). In the same way...

Writing Voices
Feb 27, 20224 min read
Writing Places: A turning point in fiction writing?
Two of our resident writers talk about their experiences in writing places, and challenges and successes they've found along the way.

Liz Hudson
Feb 17, 20226 min read
Writing Hacks: 10 essential tips and tricks for writers
Overcome some of the most common challenges writers face with these ten easy hacks, from simple scene structuring to finding (and...

Writing Voices
Nov 18, 20215 min read
Pantsing vs Plotting: Which is ‘The Way’?
The official battle line of the writing community: pantsers vs plotters. Which is 'The Way'?

Writing Voices
Nov 11, 20214 min read
Four essential rituals for writers
We put our brains together and assembled four fundamental rituals for writers and some tips on how you can tailor them to suit you.

Writing Voices
Oct 14, 20215 min read
Are there any writing exercises you do to warm up or improve your craft?
Just like athletes, us scribblers have to keep our writing muscles warm and our creative energy flowing, if we are to perform at our peak!

Writing Voices
Oct 1, 20215 min read
What is the key to creating compelling characters?
You know an author has cracked it when you finish a book and miss the characters. So what's the key to creating compelling characters?

Writing Voices
Sep 23, 20216 min read
What are your golden rules of writing?
It's important to have laws to live by in all aspects of your life! This week, we're spilling the ink on our golden rules of writing...

Writing Voices
Sep 16, 20214 min read
Have you got any tips for writing poetry?
Poetry is subjective, and a little untameable. Nevertheless, we asked the scribble for any tips they might have for you.

Writing Voices
Aug 5, 20217 min read
How do you get the most from critical feedback and editorial notes?
You've written something and now you need a second opinion. Receiving critical feedback can be difficult and knowing how to accept and...

Writing Voices
Jul 15, 20215 min read
How do you get started with a new story?
If you're going to be a writer then there's one thing you can't avoid - getting started! And sometimes that can be the trickiest part.

Writing Voices
May 27, 20214 min read
Do you stick to one project at a time or do you have several on the go?
We're delving into more controversy this week with a question that has had writers gesticulating at each other furiously for years.

Writing Voices
May 20, 20216 min read
Do you believe in writer’s block and how do you tackle it?
This week, the Write Yorkshire scribble talk to us about their views on writer’s block and offer some practical advice on how to tackle it.

Writing Voices
May 6, 20214 min read
Do you find it difficult to accept critical feedback or editorial changes?
Occasionally, we ask a question and get a unanimous answer... The Write Yorkshire scribble have some good advice this week on bracing...

Writing Voices
Mar 11, 20217 min read
How do you know when a story is finished?
As it turns out, this might be a bit of a subtle science. The scuttlebutt around the Write Yorkshire watercooler is that knowing when a...

Writing Voices
Feb 11, 20214 min read
How do you get started when you can’t get started?
The blank page. Sometimes it's the best sight in the world, brimming with possibility. And then there are those days when it becomes your...
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