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Liz Hudson
Apr 2, 202311 min read
How I levelled up my writing by playing Dungeons and Dragons
A Bard, a Cleric and a Wizard walk into a publishing house... How Dungeons and Dragons has influenced my writing.
Liz Hudson
Apr 2, 20234 min read
The Ballad of the Delian Tomb
Writing in-character narrative performance poetry for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Nope, I'm definitely not a poet!
Liz Hudson
Dec 16, 20215 min read
Ten perfect Christmas gifts for writers
So your Significant Other likes to write? And you think that might be a rich seam to mine for Christmas gift ideas? Well, you'd be...
Stacy Curry
Dec 15, 20213 min read
Writing Christmas: The tropes we love and love to hate
We all love a little bit of a festive theme, right? Whether that’s in the form of film, television, books or something else, everyone has...
Writing Voices
Oct 28, 20214 min read
What fictional pet would you like to adopt and why?
Has your brain gone straight to dragons and griffins? Well, you might be surprised by what the Scribble chose to bring home from the pound.
Writing Voices
Oct 21, 20213 min read
If you wrote a self-help book for writers, what would you call it and why?
We may have had a tad too much fun on this one. This week the scribble were tasked to come up with the ultimate self-help book for writers.
Writing Voices
Aug 26, 20219 min read
What are the best and worst literary adaptations to television or film?
One thing guaranteed to send a bookworm into either spasms of delight or furious apoplexy is a literary adaptation done well, or done badly.
Writing Voices
Aug 19, 20216 min read
What's your dream literary dinner party? Attendees, foods and location.
You are the literary dinner party host extraordinaire... You can invite anyone you like from literature, living or dead, fictional or real.
Writing Voices
Aug 12, 20214 min read
Would you rather be a critically-acclaimed one hit wonder or well published yet relatively unknown?
We're all guilty of mentally jumping the gun a bit and imaging what life will be like when we can finally quit our day jobs - when the...
Writing Voices
Jul 22, 20218 min read
What literary character would you most like to tell off, and why?
If you’ve ever caught yourself screeching at a book, perhaps holding it at arms length and reading with one eye in utter frustration...
Writing Voices
Jun 24, 20217 min read
You're restricted to a genre, form and medium for life. What do you go for?
You wake up one morning and there is an email waiting for you, telling you that today you must choose one genre, form and medium for life...
Writing Voices
Apr 22, 20215 min read
Physical book or ebook?
If we twisted your arm; if it was a matter of life and death; if you had to pick one or the other... what would you choose?
Writing Voices
Apr 1, 20214 min read
If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Whether you discovered your passion for the written word a little bit later in life or you were a child-dreamer, scribbling stories on...
Writing Voices
Mar 4, 20215 min read
What makes you a writer?
'Am I a writer yet?' We've probably all had that thought at least once. 'Writer' is a bit of a hazy concept...
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